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Download EngInSite Perl Module Manager

Version 2.0.7 build 90
File size: 2.20 MB

EngInSite Perl Module Manager v2 (PMM2) is the Perl management utility for installation, upgrading and removing precompiled Perl packages. The main utility purpose is accessing of package collections on the internet to install new and update previously installed packages as well as removing unused packages from your system.

Perl Module Manager does not need any additional Perl packages to work, because network protocols used to access PPM repositories are implemented in utility itself. Implemented are also XML parsing and archive operations such as untar an gunzip. Simple Perl installation (e.g. PurePerl from LuckaSoft, s. above) or even self-compiled Perl for Win32 is enouth to get PMM working.

EngInSite Perl Module Manager Freeware License Agreement


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